Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Good Day For...

...ducks, cleaning and making jewelry! It's a very drizzly day here; a complete turnaround from the very warm, clear day we had yesterday. I do like this weather though because I know that hot weather is right around the corner.

I took advantage of the drizzle to go outside and take some photos. I think the rose leaves look like they have been sprinkled with decorator's sugar, chunky glitter or those clear beads that you fuse onto fabric or objects.

This is a good day for me to do what I've been putting off - clean up the mess that is my workspace; it's very disorganized at the moment, with bits and pieces of the project I'm in the middle of scattered about. Then I can make a "clean start" and get some other ideas I've had in motion. I also need to get things ready for tomorrow, as my brother and his family are coming up for a Father's Day barbecue. I hope the weather will cooperate!


TesoriTrovati said...

Hello! Thanks for stopping by Treasures Found! I love the photos in this post. Those dew drops don't seem real! And the photos a few posts ago of the peacock feathers are awesome...great patterning for a piece of jewelry! Enjoy the day! Erin

Marie S said...

I love, love, love, the picture of the yellow rose. It is truly incredible. Oh I like them all, but that one mmmmmmmmm! It is like another world when you click on the image.
Well done!
Have a GREAT Father's day with your family.

Janice said...

Those photos are AMAZING!!! You have a talent with the camera! :)